Prolonging the Obliteration


So, I understand that it’s been a while since we last spoke. I apologize for that, and want to inform you that I’ve been meaning to talk to you. However, every time I thought of it I got overwhelmed with the idea of writing, overwhelmed with having to face my actions, overwhelmed with having to be honest with you and tell you the truth.

I should inform you that as of now my ex and are I are in a limbo. We are talking again, friends again even though I never thought that we would be. What this shows me is exactly how much I care for him. This is a sad truth to realize because I do not want to care for him as much as I do. I do not want to eb there to pick of the pieces of his fallen life. Just lookingat his actions I see how during the midd to the end of our relationship he completely stopped caring about my feelings, stopped being there to help me and pick up the pieces for me. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want someone who is constantly there doing those things because then I will not learn on my own. In fact one of the things I am proud of is my ability to remain strong even in the face of difficult situations. What may destroy others only hurts me, and I am proud that I do not dwell on things long enough for them to destroy me. With that being said, it is not to say that I do not think about things a lot. That is one of my downfalls. I often start thinking abuout the negatives and then it is hard to see the positives unless I truly pull myself fromthe darkness.

Over the summer after we broke up he slept with someone else. He was having sex with her, basically as soon as we broke up. Honesyly it is crazy to me how someone can claim that they love you but as soon as things are done move on so easily. I would understand if i was a terrible person to him, if I did something so horrible to him, or if I was the person who left him, then don’t get me wrong I would understand. But no. He was the one that did most of that, and he was the one who had no regards for my feelings, he only cared about himself, about pleasuring himself and showing off his toy to the world. For someone to even do that, let’s think about this. Let us break down his actions and consider the wrongs that he has done. I will do this because I need to know. I need to be aware of everything. I need to let it all out.

  1. During our relationship, while we were still together I knew he stopped caring. Regardless of what he said about trying to care more, he stopped. He allowed himself to stop caring. Now, how can you do that with someone you claim you love? You never stop caring about the people you love. You don’t you really don’t. So unless you loved me for the moment, your love was not real.
  2. So, he stopped caring while we were still together, and literally the day before I went away he expressed how he did not want to deal with me. Specifically stating that he just wants to focus on himself. And you know how he said it? With that same dumb tired look that he always gives when we have serious conversations. I knew then what he was thinking about, about ending it. I knew then that I really shouldn’t stay invested, but in spite of what I knew, in spite of myself I continued to love, continued to hold on. Hoping that the space in the summer would give him time to realize how much we meant to each other. But of course not. Secretly I hoped that I would find someone that summer in Kentucky to help me forget about him. But no, I found no one. Instead, he ended things and I was easily replaced. Just like that. One year and nine months, if you could even say that was down the drain.
  3. How can you stop caring about someone? How can you be so wicked to someone? How can he allow himself to treat anyone the way he has treated me.
  4. So he broadcast his new sex buddy, his new relationship on Snapchat. It was public, there for everyone to see. By everyone I mean his friends, my friends, and out mutual friends. It was embarrassing. I couldn’t bring myself to understand what I had done to this person that would make him do something like this without any regards to my feelings. Yes, I understand that we ended things. He owed me nothing and I expected nothing. But was respect too much to ask for? Flaunting that girl like that, without any regards to my feelings whatsoever. Wow. How absolutely selfish.
  5. How could he just be sleeping with her like that. Right after he slept with me. How am I to feel? Like what? I am just one of his numbers. So you stayed for what? For sex? How could you take my virginity like that. If you knew the reality of the situation. If you knew that it wouldn’t last. If you knew that you did not care for me the way I cared for you? How could you do that to me?  Why would you do that to me?
  6. I seriously am so upset as to how someone could be so insensitive, so selfish. How someone could be such a piece of shit. This is how you treat someone who you once said “I love you” to? This is how you treat someone who has been there for you, who has tried to make compromises for you, who has nothing but genuine love for you and just wants to be there for you? It is times like this that I want to say I hate you. For everything that you put me through. For making me into a fool. For doing this to me. For making me look so stupid it is unbelievable. I seriously cannot. I hate you for doing this to me. For making me feel like I have no control, for making me believe that I would be lonely without you.
  7.  I heard them having sex together. I heard her yelps and her screams. And the worst part is that that was me only a month or less ago in that same room. Wow man. Wow. How filthy, how absolutely DISGUSTING could he be.
  8. To top it off he gave me an STI. How sweet of him. Sharing his diseases. I ask myself right now what have I done to deserve this and the only answer I can come up with is “I stayed. Despite everything I stayed. I loved. I allowed.” And I am angry. Angry at myself right now. Right in this moment. For staying. For loving. For allowing YET AGAIN.

The hard part of this whole thing is feeling like I will not be with anyone else. It is so hard to meet people. So hard to get to that point where both of you have a connection and to make something work nowadays forget about it. I don’t want anyone else inside me, in my life, knowing me. Because in the end they will leave too and nothing will be able to stop them. In the end I will be holding on, and they will be walking away. In the end I will be the one fighting for us, and they will be having sex with someone else. I hate him. I honestly do…but then I don’t and that is the problem.

I am craving love. That is what I believe. I am craving companionship. And what he offers me is companionship. He is someone who is available to listen, to talk to. He knows me. He know basically everything, and that was my downfall. That is how I lost myself. I trusted him. Trusted that he wouldn’t hurt me, but look. He did. He hurt me. And it’s going to be good at first, he will have so much love, be so sweet and I will be skeptical, I will have my guard up. But eventually, slowly I will let my guard down. Allow myself to trust, to believe that he won’t hurt me and then he will. He will destroy everything, obliterate everything. And the thing is I know it is coming. I know it is going to happen, I am just prolonging and I don’t know when.

Finding Comfort in Being Alone <3

Finding Comfort in Being Alone <3

Sunday, 10:05 pm, July 3, 2016

Hi Diary,

So I have decided to stay true to my word and write positive posts. They are not forced though, it is just what I am feeling at the moment. While everything isn’t peaches and berries at the moment, it isn’t thunder and lightning either, and I want to focus on some things that I plan on doing BY MYSELF, when I get back home. So I looked some things up, and I already had some ideas, so I will be making a list below. I am honestly really proud of myself for doing this because I keep thinking about it, so the only thing left is to write about it. By the way, stay tuned for the list of things that make me happy, and possibly a serious talk to myself about who I am, and who I want to be.

  1. Go to a museum: So I wanted to do this with him, but I honestly do not need to. I really feel like it would be fun to go to a museum by myself. That is an ideal place to have alone time, and really do some thinking and reflecting, not just on life but on what I am seeing. I want to experience new things and try something new. I have never gone to a museum by myself so this should be interesting. I have to look at my cultural passport to find some free museums, and then I will choose one to go to, and just spend the whole day there,
  2. Go to the beach: Since I live so close to the beach, this will be the easiest thing to do. I am so excited for this. I just want to be able to sit and reflect by myself, I really think it would be good for me. Plus it would be fun. Last time I wanted to go to the beach alone, my sister came with me but it turned out to be a lot of fun and I was happy that she came. But I also think that I should get some practice being alone, so I will definitely make plans with myself to go to the beach 🙂
  3. Go to a movie: I will find a cheap movie place, and go and watch something by myself. This is totally out of my character and I am really excited to see how it goes. I will go on Tuesday because that is the best time, since the tickets are cheaper then. I am excited for this as well, and I just hope that some good movies are out.
  4. Go shopping alone: Honestly I am putting this but I am not sure how much I mean it. I actually do this a lot now that I think about it, I haven’t done it in a while since I was depending on others, but being here I have been doing it all the time. For instance, when we went to to Forever 21 I looked around by myself, and tried things on by myself, and even made decisions about things that I wanted and didn’t want by myself! OH COW! Did you hear that? Oh my gosh!! I didn’t even realize this. Whenever I am shopping with someone, I always seek out the other person’s opinion on what I should get and what I shouldn’t get, especially when it is a tough decision. But every time when I’ve gone to F21, which is only twice, but still, I have made the decision to get what I want by myself. I didn’t ask anyone, I just bought what I felt was best. Wow, look at me. I really really am maturing. I didn’t even ask my sister. Not to mention, I shop for groceries by myself, when I went to Goodwill I shopped for things by myself and made up my mind without consulting anyone, even when I was unsure I made up my mind all by myself. I need to continue doing that. It is time to be my beautiful, independent self because I really can do it. I am proud of myself, and I really do hope that I continue to be strong and do things for myself and make decisions on my own, by myself, and for myself when I get back, even when I am with others. Like a beautiful quote I like said: You can get other people’s opinions, but value your own more. That was one of the best pieces of advice I ever read, because it really changed how I view receiving advice. I also learned that just because you receive advice or feedback doesn’t mean that you are obligated to follow it, you can still make a decision about what you think is right. I should add too, that going to F21 back home usually gives me a headache when they don’t have anything nice. It can just be really overwhelming because the F21 is so big, so walking around gets really annoying. But, over here it is pretty small, and not as annoying lol. But in general, I actually do shop by myself, I just forgot that I did since I was depending on other people to go with me so much.
  5. Go to a park: Maybe I will go to Central Park, or Bryant Park and just people watch. I am very fascinated with watching people, so I will look up how to do it, and some things to observe about people. This is going to be fun I just feel it, and I cannot wait to just sit in the sun, relax and watch people doing various things. I am also very excited to do this. When I am people watching I can also play sudoku
  6. Take myself on a date: Go to a restaurant by myself, and just enjoy. I am pretty scared of doing this because I don’t want to look like a loser, but I trust that after doing the above-mentioned activities alone that I will be able to do this one! So, go for it girl, you can do it. Go out and enjoy your own company, enjoy yourself, love yourself, give back to yourself baby, because you deserve it more than anyone else ❤
  7. Go to the Brooklyn Bridge: So this is something else I cannot imagine myself doing, so I want to just stroll through to the other side of the BK bridge. Honestly just getting there will be a challenge, so we will just have to see how this one goes lol. I really should put this in the things I want to try list, but what is life without a challenge 😉


Things That I would like to Try:

I feel that I should put some things that I have always wanted to do, and I am not sure if I will do them, but nevertheless I want to do them someday, at some point in my life. The things above are all things I WILL do, but these are things that I MAY do, so there is no guarantee.

  1. Get on the train and go somewhere new. To a new stop, or a new place and do something new and interesting at that place.
  2. Sing karaoke by myself: Ok this is a little weird even for me, but because it’s so out there that is why I really want to try it. I feel as though it will teach me a lot about being alone, and being by myself. On top of that, it is cheap and I can just belt lyrics.
  3. Take a bath: So this is random and all, but at my present adult age I have never taken a bath lol, and I would love to do so!
  4. Ride a citi bike by myself!

I will think of more things that I want to do by myself and get back to you. I will also plan out when I will do everything and update it.


Me ❤

Words From a Strong, Independent, Beautiful, Black Woman

Words From a Strong, Independent, Beautiful, Black Woman

Friday, 1:00 July 1, 2016

Hey there,

So as promised, I have decided to write about some things that I am proud of myself for post breakup. I notice that I always focus on the negative and that is so bad truthfully. I need to give myself credit where credit is due. I don’t want to just put myself down, or just address the negatives. You have to shed light on the positives right?  YES!

  1. So to start off I am proud of myself because I have not messaged him since last Friday. So I have gone a week without messaging him first (Get it girl!) But, he snapped me on Wednesday. However, I wasn’t the one to reach out first so I still give myself the point.
  2. Even though I’ve wanted to message him at times, I don’t do it.
  3. I have been able to get myself out of my really bad moods. That is really good, and I am so happy that I find ways to change my attitude. Like this morning, I was just NOT feeling the day, like AT all, but I started blogging, and my mood improved. So I am happy that I can write to myself and change my mood. I need to remember that there are always ways to get out of those horrible moods.
  4. I honestly do not need him, I just want him. Truthfully, it is nice to have someone to talk to all the time, but I can talk to myself, which is what I’ve been doing. Whenever I have a pressing thought I talk to myself about it either on my phone or in the shower, and it actually does help, so I would recommend it.
  5. I trust that I can get over him, even though at times it will be hard, I will be able to do it.
  6. I know that I can go one month without messaging him, or messaging him first because there is really nothing I need.
  7. I am happy that I planned on not texting or reaching out to him until later in the month, and I am proud of myself because I am not looking at his snapchat stories either.
  8. I know that I am independent. I have been going to the gym, even when the other girls are not with me. I KNOW that I AM independent, and no one can tell me I’m not. Seriously though, sometimes after our workout classes I even stay back by myself to get my circuits done, whereas before I may just leave with the girls and do it at home. But I am comfortable being alone, and being here forces me to do it anyway but I am happy and thankful for that. Being here lets me see just how alone I can be, and just how independent I am. I even ventured to Goodwill by myself, and I walked to the town “square” too. I am proud of myself for doing those things. You cannot say that I am not independent because I know I am, and it’s not about proving it to you or myself that I am anymore, because honestly I know I am. Look at me, not messaging you first, doing all of these things on my own. You will see soon, but whether you see or not doesn’t matter, all that matters is that I know.
  9. I have been working out, 5 days a week for 3 weeks now. I am so proud of myself because I am taking care of my body and reaching my body goals.
  10. I am learning Spanish via duolingo.
  11. I have been trying new meals over here, and they come out really good! I am proud of myself for venturing out of my comfort zone, and trying new foods. I am also extremely proud of myself for cooking, I only bought the cafeteria food once, and I haven’t bought anything since from there.
  12. I am confident with my natural hair, and I love my body I really do. I am happy that I am working towards my body goals, but more importantly I know my body is beautiful the way it is.
  13. I am able to not fall apart even after things were done between us. I am happy with myself for that. After we broke up I cried a little, but it wasn’t for long and in the morning I was truly happy that we weren’t together anymore.
  14. I am actually working on myself, and trying to do all these positive things for me, like Volunteer Abroad.
  15. I bought a GRE book and I fully intend to study for the GRE, while I’m here and during the school year.

I have a lot to be proud of, and I will stop taking those things away from myself. I will continue to be a strong, independent, beautiful, black woman.


Me ❤  1:26 pm

End of Fantasy; The Beginning of Reality

End of Fantasy; The Beginning of Reality

Friday, July 1, 2016 12:09 PM

OK, so I have to inform you that I am back to the realization that we will never get back together. I can’t remember what I talked about much in my last post, but I’m pretty sure I discussed how I thought that we would get back together. If I didn’t let me just express what I was thinking, so you aren’t left in the dark.

For the past week, I allowed myself to believe that we could actually get back together. I will be going back home on August 6th. So I figured that I would arrange to meet up with hi at the dorm and give him back his suitcases, and then perhaps we could go out watch a movie, and eat and then return to the dorm, where I would stay with my friend. But, I learned last night that dorm move out is on the 6th and not the 8th like I thought. Needless to say, or maybe I do need to say that this ruined everything. You see, I had this silly fantasy replaying in my head about how we would meet up, go to the movies, and eat and then come back to the dorm and who knows? Maybe something would happen. I had actually planned to try and tempt him, to get us to do things. I am embarrassed to say this basically out loud and admit it, but it is the truth and I have to get it off my chest. I had all these ideas and silly fantasies about how things would go. I even allowed myself to believe them, and feed into them. At night, I fell asleep thinking about it, during the day when I zoned out, I allowed my mind to wander into that dangerous territory. And yesterday i all came crumbling down. Yesterday my friend told me that the move out was actually on the 6th. I was devastated. And shockingly I was angry. I was really angry. Angry because it finally hit me that this is real. We are over, we are done, we are not getting back together and it is time for me to move on. I really need to let it go. I have to stop thinking about us getting back together, stop inventing scenarios where things happen. Because, THAT IS IT. WE ARE DONE. No more. I can’t believe I encouraged myself to think like that. Even for a little bit, I mean how stupid could I be. I guess part of me is glad that it happened because now it forces me to really move on. You would think that me being away would help this whole thing but it does and it doesn’t. What I mean by that is this: I keep thinking that it’s not absolute until I see him in person and we hang out and nothing happens, but that isn’t true. But the fact that we are away and we were away from one another before the breakup makes it seem  sort of normal. It just seems like it will really hit once I get back home, because that is where I am used to being with him. The good thing is that I am away, so even if I wanted to see him I can’t… I guess. Honestly I just feel like i am ready to go home now. I need to do things that will take my mind off of him. Take my mind off of this. I want to have fun, and party, and be with my friends, and just be happy. It’s hard to do things here because you need a car to get everywhere. I want to be able to get up and go somewhere without depending on anyone to drive me.

We are at the halfway point of the program, and I am counting the weeks down. It’s not that I want it to be over, but I’m just ready to go back home you know? I am not someone who typically gets homesick or anything, but this is the first time that I am away by myself, for so long. And it doesn’t help that we actually broke up, and that I feel as though I have to face him in person for everything to be smoothed and cleared over, and for everything to be truly done.

That is the wrong way to think about this whole thing I know. So I will start reinforcing the fact that we are not together again. Just like that first week. I cannot remember how many weeks it has been since we broke up. Not sure I care to know either. All I know is that I will continue not reaching out to him. The truth is that even the times when I sometimes want to message him, which was yesterday and the day before yesterday, I always let myself know that I really do not need to message him…for anything really. It was nice being able to message him though because I could be straight up and honest with him. I could talk to him about any and everything. I always had someone to share my day with, to joke around with, to talk about the highlights of my day with, to talk to when I was stressed, or upset. It was just nice, having someone who was there you know?

Now that is no longer the case. I do not miss him, I just can’t get him off my mind. That is terrible I know. I don’t even know what it’s like to miss someone anymore. Like what does that even mean? What does it mean to miss someone? Does it mean that you want to see them? Do you feel something physiological that signifies, yes, I miss this person? Like what is that even like? I’m pretty sure that I don’t miss him though. And because I don’t miss him, I know he doesn’t miss me. How could he?  Why would he?

I am guessing he has plenty of people to talk to. Especially compared to my one to three people. I am just not an open person. That is the truth. It is hard for me to tell people how I am really feeling, not unless I trust them. I’m not sure why, since telling people how you feel shouldn’t be a problem. After all you are being honest. Maybe it’s because I know that people just don’t care. But he cared you know? At least he made me feel as though he cared. We were really friends. Now it will never be the same, it can never be the same. Because there are things, rules, unstated, unwritten rules that I know I have to abide by. For instance, I cannot message him everyday, or whenever I want, I cannot be completely honest with him. I just know that there are going to be so many barriers now. I cannot be jealous when he likes someone’s photo on instagram, there’s just so many things that I cannot do. That is one of the things I am really struggling with. I am REALLY REALLY trying not to care about him liking someone’s photo, or him being with someone else. I know right now he’s probably talking to someone else, flirting with another girl. So how do I not get upset at that? How do I make myself not care? How do I just let it go? How do I not feel disgusted? Angry? How do I not feel hate towards him? I guess I just have to keep imagining it. If I keep thinking about him with someone else it should be pretty easy right? Wrong because it’s not the same as when it actually happens. That is the really shitty part. Because even if I make myself think about him with someone else, what happens when he is with someone else, then I will really feel it. What happens when I am finally able to get over him and then that shit happens? Oh My Gosh, I can only imagine how I will feel, what that will be like. That will be so awkward. I mean I would have to stop talking to him. I would HAVE to. Like I can’t talk to him and like be a friend with him if he has a girlfriend. I just can’t.

At least, I don’t know. Is there even an upside? Well of course there is. At least I know I am independent. I know that I don’t need him and I just wanted him. I need to start blogging about positive things too. I always just blog about all these really negative or shitty persistent feelings, but it’s time for me to blog positively. In the next blog I will talk about the progress I’ve made, and I also want to make a blog about what makes me happy, as well as things that I want to do or accomplish this summer.

Stay tuned,

Me ❤


Temporary Moment of Weakness

Temporary Moment of Weakness

Dear D,

Saturday, June 25, 2016 10:54 PM

As I sit on the bed watching Orange Is the New Black, I can’t help but think of him. I honestly don’t know what I’m even thinking about. Just him really. Not specific things. What I mean is: I’m not reminiscing about what we used to do, or the dates we used to go on or anything, it’s just that right now I cannot get him off of my mind. Not even for a second. I hate how every time I find myself thinking I start realizing that I haven’t thought of him, and then I start thinking about him.

I hate how my heart feels heavy, because I am thinking about him and I shouldn’t be, because I don;t want to think about him, because I know I shouldn’t. I hate that he is constantly on my mind. I hate that we didn’t message each other today and for some reason it is really bothering me. My original idea was to wait a month and then message him. But then I started talking to my friend and she told me how her and her ex haven’t really gone a day without messaging. And then that made me realize this: That we hadn’t gone more than 2 weeks without texting, so what would happen if I waited a month? What would really truly happen? Would he message me? Would I miss the important things in his life? Would that mean that I was absent if he ever needed me. I don’t want to miss something important in his life. But I guess if he didn’t want me to miss it he would tell me about it. I wonder how long this will continue for. I wonder if we will really go a month without texting each other. I honestly think that if I don’t message him then he won’t message me. So, where does that leave us?  Not messaging for a month! A whole month. Well there is not much I can do. I cannot do it. I know I cannot message him, and I won’t give in to the cravings. Even if I were to give in, honestly there is nothing for us to say to each other so it doesn’t even matter.

I was so good at the beginning. Now what’s happening to me? What is happening? Now I keep thinking about us low key getting back together, but I hate that I’m thinking that way, and here’s why:

  1. Because even if we were to get back together, we both don’t see a future. So what is the point in dating someone, in being with someone, in giving your time to someone if you don’t see it working out in the long run? BINGO! The answer is, for me anyway, that there is NO POINT. ZERO. ABSOLUTELY NONE.
  2. How can we even get back together? We broke up twice now. I think it’s time to give it a rest.
  3. How would we get back together? even if I thought about it, he wouldn’t want to. I don’t want to force someone to do something they don’t want to do. I can’t force someone to do something they don’t want to do.
  4. He most likely doesn’t even miss me.
  5. He isn’t thinking about me, nearly as much as I am thinking about him right now. In fact he most likely isn’t thinking about me at all. He is probably watching Netflix, and eating ice cream and enjoying his weekend.
  6. He is probably talking to or about other girls right now.
  7. He is probably so relieved that we are over.
  8. He would probably never get back with me.
  9. There really is no point.
  10.  I have to get over it, and move on.

I honestly believe it’s that time now. It is time for me to get it through my head that we will not be getting back together. EVER. What is preventing me from truly getting that in my head is knowing that I plan on meeting up with him when I get back to NY. I am secretly hoping that when I meet up with him I can somehow seduce him, somehow show him how much I have grown and matured, somehow show him how much I love myself, how confident I am, how little I need him. I am hoping I can show him how amazing I am. I am hoping, desperately hoping that when we meet up he will realize just how much he missed me. Just how much I mean to him, and just how much he wants to be with me.

And my biggest fear is walking away after hanging out with him, realizing that we will actually only/just be friends from that point on. So right now I am stupidly holding on to the slim possibility that there may be a chance of us getting back together. I am somehow still trying to grasp onto that. But I am terrified of it not happening. Terrified of it all being over. I have to help myself understand that, that’s it. It is over. It happened, but now it is done. So now I will have a conversation with myself. Letting myself know just how over it is.



Hi sweetie,

I know that you don’t want to believe that it is all over, but unfortunately, it is. There is nothing more you can do. You cannot continue to chase someone who is not interested. It would be one thing if he wanted to get back together, but he doesn’t. He isn’t interested. You cannot force him to be. You cannot make him, because at the end of the day nothing good will come of that. Even if you can seduce him so what? Because at the end of everything it will be lust and not love. And love is what you want. I know at this point you feel as though you are capable of just “fooling around” with him, but emotionally you definitely are not ready for that. If you even try to do it, you will breakdown half way through, or at the end. Is that really something you want? Him having to play the boyfriend role when he isn’t your boyfriend anymore? Him having to thank God that he isn’t with you anymore because he doesn’t have to deal with this shit? Nah, you seriously do not want that. On top of that you don’t want to be in a relationship that is going nowhere. Now I’m going to say it out, because someone has to. Someone has to be honest here. Think about it, do you honestly see a future with him? Yes… Do you think he can see  a future with you?  No… As a result, do you honestly think you can see a future with him? NO. Why? Because someone either loves you or they don’t. They either want to be with you or they don’t. With that there is no in between. There is no being unsure. Once you start having doubts just call it quits because what’s the point.


Well no, this is where the part of me that I’m trying to  convince will intervene. I don’t agree with that. Everyone has doubts sometimes. It would be unrealistic to not have doubts, to not question being committed to one person forever. However, it is what you do with that doubt that matters. It is whether you push those doubts aside, or let them consume you that matters. It is whether you tell your partner that you are having these doubts and ask for help, vs. letting them consume you that matters.


He let them consume him. He didn’t come to you for help. He was content with letting his feelings, his negative feelings convince him that you guys were not meant to be, that he couldn’t do it. Now to the point that I am getting at, I will say what needs to be said. Think of your future. After undergrad, you both want to go to graduate school. His schooling will be anywhere from 3-5 years and yours will be anywhere from 5-8. Realistically you won’t be going to the same school, and who knows if it will even be in the same region. Do you think if your relationship is so unstable now that it could even withstand something like that?  Especially if he already has such negative thoughts? How could it possibly work? Well let me tell you something, it can never work if the feelings are only one-sided, if only one person is willing to be the optimist in the relationship and make things work. So, if it is going to be one-sided you might as well just not be in a relationship at all. You’re too young to rack your brains about these things. This is all so much, and it is coming all so fast. Honestly you need to slow things down. Stop thinking about how you could get him back, or how things will go when you see him. Go without plans to create waves. Just try to think about you. Focus on you baby girl. You have so much to offer yourself.

You have everything you need in yourself. You have love in yourself, trust in yourself, confidence, dependence. Everything that you want from someone else, lies in you baby. You know that right? You just have to know how to unlock them when you need them. You just have to know how to quiet the thoughts of him. How to refocus your mind and not dwell on him.


Me: We got this 😉 ❤

Diary of A New Found Self Loving Independent Woman

Diary of A New Found Self Loving Independent Woman

June 21, 2o16 Tuesday, Sometime around 1:00 to 3:06 PM

What is up with that crazy long, detailed yet un-detailed title? Well I wanted to sum up how I’m feeling at the moment and the only way to do that in my opinion was finding a title that summed things up pretty nicely, and for me this title does just that. In ENG 121 I learned how important titles are and now I’m actually wondering what my professor would think of it. Well, he will probably never see it so I guess it doesn’t matter. Regardless it wouldn’t matter. Anyway, I truthfully here to lay my feelings on the page.

“Let’s mutually decide to end things.” Is the summary of last night’s talk with my ex. So as it is now: I am single as a Pringle, not ready to mingle, but ready to find my independence. Ready to find self love, self worth. Ready to learn how to be happy in being alone, to be happy with myself, in myself. I am ready to grow as a person, to become more confident, to show myself just how much I can accomplish and just how little I need someone to do so.

The purpose of this blog is to capture my feelings, my thoughts and whatever comes to mind when I think about my ex, or our relationship. But I must warn you, it is not just your typical break up blog. Oh no! In it I hope you will find a girl who desperately wants to find her self. Who is actively trying to know who she is, who wants to love herself more, to be happy when alone, to be happy period. I hope you will find a girl who is changing, who is becoming more mature after a few of these blogs. Well after a month of these blogs. Don’t get me wrong, there will be setbacks but that is life, and I will blog about every set back but also every accomplishment and every victory. I will stay true and honest with you and with myself. I will convey my feelings effectively to myself and to the world, even if no one reads this but me.

You see, I am trying to find something here. “What is it?” You may ask while already knowing the answer. Myself. That is what I want to find out. Who am I? Who am I when I am in the presence of others? Who am I when I am alone? when I am happy? frustrated? excited? angry?  sad?  dejected?  Who am I when I am hurt?  When I feel pity for myself? When I am reflecting? Who am I when I have to make difficult decisions? Who am I when I have to make choices for myself? Who am I without him?  Who am I alone? Who am I when I am by myself, in my head, truly alone?

Some of those I already know the answer. if I think back to the times when I have felt some of those feelings and/or emotions I have a good idea. But I don’t want to think back, I will relive. I will know now in the present what type of person I am. I will know myself better than anyone and develop a sense of accomplishment, a sense of self. Why am I stressing this need for independence, self love and self so much?

Well for roughly 19 months myself, who I am, or was has been stripped away. That was how long my ex and I dated for. I don’t mean to make this sound like he stripped me of my being, because simply put: he did not. Actually I did it to myself. My world revolved around him. There was no space. Literally I gave the poor guy no space. So I was just his girlfriend. All I could think about was him. All that was….was him. That is a bit of an exaggeration, but one that cuts it a little too close to the truth. Even writing it now I feel embarrassed, ashamed, saddened by that fact. Well I can either sulk in my embarrassment, shame and sadness or I can do something about it. This blog is my effort to change these things, to become a better person. To be more mindful of who I am, in and out of the presence of others. I really do hope that I accomplish my goals. I WILL accomplish these goals.

For today, I will discuss what I learned from my relationship. Insight will be shed on my experience, but everything I learned I assure you will be positive even if they have arisen from negative experiences.

  1. The necessity of space. If ever I am in another relationship, I will certainly emphasize to myself and my partner how important space is. For one, space allows both individuals to have free time, time to work on themselves, to develop individually, to think about the relationship, and time to miss the other person. My mistake here was not giving my ex any space. I coddled him, I wouldn’t let him breathe. He was a fish and I was the ocean. Ever consuming and all encompassing. Honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking now that I look back on it. I was so unfair to him. Although he asked me several times for space I because offended and insulted by it. How I thought about love was very unrealistic mind you. I was under the impression that love was always wanting to be with someone. Day in and day out. Never growing tired of their presence. Always being together, creating memories and doing all of these romantic things. But NO. Just know. It is so crazy to me now, how I couldn’t understand how important space was for him and for me. Now I would give anything to give him the space he so rightfully deserved, instead of getting hurt over the fact that he was being honest and asking for it in the first place. You see, asI said earlier I took it as an insult. So of course, because I thought of him asking for space as as a negative thing I wanted to get back at him for it, obviously I because I was hurt. Let me explain what I mean by “get back at him” before you misunderstand me. Well I wanted to show him, show him how much space I could give him. I was upset, angered by the fact that my man, my man! was even thinking about having space, or getting away from me. You know why? Because I thought of it as meaning he wanted to get away from me, he didn’t want to be with me, he didn’t care for me, he didn’t love me. But that wasn’t true. Because the fact that he was even being honest with me and telling me how he felt and trying to save our relationship meant that he did care for me. He didn’t want to get tired of me, he wanted to miss me, he didn’t want to find me annoying. And in order to do so, all he needed was some space. Now I understand it. I promise you! Now I get it, because now I have space from him because there is no other choice so now I get to see first hand the benefits of having space. And I see now, how important it is. How it allows you to grow, get time to yourself, work on yourself, be independent, be confident in yourself and just love yourself more. If I had known I would have actually given him space…Well back to me wanting to “get back at him.” Me getting back involved me not really talking to him, and sinking into myself, into my head, into my hurt feelings. And of course he would try to make it better, we would make up and I would find myself going to bed (ACTUALLY SLEEPING)  with him at night and feeling so warm, so happy in his arms that space was all but forgotten until the next time it was brought up. And each time the same process continued, over and over again. A cycle. That is not to say that there were not times where I genuinely tried, because there was. However I was trying for the wrong reasons, meaning I was trying to get back at him and “show him how much space I could give him.” On top of that I was trying out of hurt, anger, spite. So, naturally it did not work, and I kept believing that space was a negative thing. But rest assured. I am happy to have learned the importance of space in any relationship. Humans are social animals, but we are not meant to be with someone around the clock 24/7. We all need our space, to recuperate, to get our energy back, to think about the day, to give ourselves back the time that we have lost. Well, I know that I cannot leave this lesson learned without giving you a solid apology for my actions. This is no excuse, but now that I know what space is and why it is necessary, I want to let you know that I genuinely did not understand it’s importance, thought of it as negative and was hurt by the very idea of it. So when you asked for it my hurt led me astray. But I apologize. I am very sorry for not being able to grant you that request, I hope you know how much I mean this, how much I really have learned about it and just how sorry I truly am to take something so important from you.

2. The difference between dependence, independence and codependence: Throughout our relationship, one of the theme problems that became very important was independence/dependence. In short, I was way too dependent, too demanding. I was just too much. Writing this out now, I realize how exhausting I must have come off and again I apologize. But I am happy that I got to learn a lot from this. When you told me I was too dependent I was yet again offended. I didn’t want to be “too dependent,” especially on a guy. So once again I was angered, and insulted. To me “too dependent” equated to clingy and we all know what they say about clingy people: they are annoying, too much to handle, they are just not wanted. So yes, I hated when you said I was too dependent and needed to be more independent. The fact of the matter is this: I believe that I am extremely independent, I pay for my phone bill, my school housing, I do a lot of things for myself. However, the problem with me is, when I become close to someone I want them to do everything, with me or for me. That is horrible I know. I did not realize that until recently. I know it’s not fair and I don’t plan on doing it in the future. I plan on learning from these mistakes, trust me. But because you helped me out, and came through for me several times this attitude was reinforced. I continued to ask for things. I wanted to get back every time you told me I was being too dependent, I wanted to defend myself and made it a point to try and do everything on my own in an angry way. Which of course did not help the situation, it actually hurt it. So once more apologies for that. For being too much, too soon, all at once. I am happy that I learned this about myself though, because now I can fix it, change it, address it and become more independent. But that is not to say that when I need advice I won’t seek help, which I would define as codependence, however I will not seek help for everything. It got to a point where I was asking you to make decisions for me. WOW! I cannot believe it got so bad. I was wrapped up, with the wool over my eyes. I couldn’t see all these wrong things I was doing until now. Now that I have space and time to reflect on it! But yeah I am sorry for that. For asking you to make decisions such as which chip I should choose. That was completely unnecessary and overboard, and quite frankly I clearly did not need your opinion for something so simple. Wow, I really do apologize for that as well. Thank God when you recently said it I stopped because I realized i really shouldn’t be doing that. But again I don’t know what I was thinking even doing that. Clearly something was wrong with me but I am happy that I can see what was wrong now. Not to worry I will work on my independence when I am around others, because I am truly independent when I am alone because I have no other choice. But now I will trust in myself, trust in my opinions, my decisions and my choices. I will stop seeking validation. I am generally indecisive, but not really. I know what it is that I want, sometimes it is just easier to not choose and then have to face the outcome or consequences especially if it will taste bad, or if it may be bad. Now I know though. I will be completely dependent on myself, stop using “I don’t know” as an easy way out, and start making my decisions boldly. If I make a choice I will declare it, if there are bad consequences I will face it. Either way I have no choice. I saw somewhere that it is OK to ask for advice or get other people’s opinions but you should value yours more, and go with your own opinion. That is what I need to do. I clearly just valued your opinions over my own and sought constant validation from you, which is not a good thing at all. I am happy now that I have realized these things, in a more mature, non angry or insulted way. I will continue to listen to myself, make better choices and just do better!

3. Communication Is Key: Of course this is one of the most important things in a relationship. Honestly, you taught me to communicate effectively my feelings. Before I never shared my feelings, I usually avoid confrontation but you forced me to speak up and spit it out and for that I am grateful and thankful. I am not saying I am pro at speaking out how I feel, by no means! But I know that I am far better at holding a hurtful or angry conversation without crying or not talking and withdrawing into myself. I can be more confident and speak up about how I feel and that is something I will continue working on because that is always something good to be able to do. The other side of this lesson comes from you. Honestly at first, I thought you were a really good communicator, but I was only comparing it to my communication skills. However, after my communication skills improved I realized that you weren’t very good at saying what you felt and being honest about it. At least even after I forced out what I had to say, little by little I would tell the truth. But you sugar coated things and that is no good. I understand that in the moment you were trying to protect my feelings, but in the long run it hurt us both. You because you were saying one thing and feeling another, and me because I believed the things you were saying and went along with it, and that only reinforced my unrealistic ideas. I know you will work on yourself in this department as well. Just remember that you should always try to be honest especially when someone is asking you to tell them your feelings or asking you to be honest like I have done countless times. Just be. Just say what you have to say. Don’t hold back, just be truthful, it will make you feel a whole lot better in the end and even if it hurts the person in the moment, you can help them understand what you mean and help them through it. At least they won’t have to live a lie right? Also with that I have to add that you taught me that how you say things and how you come across to people really makes a difference in how they want to approach you, how much they say to you and how much they tell you. Most of the times when I wanted to hear what you thought about us truthfully you always looked tired. Or like you didn’t care, or you didn’t want to. So can you blame me for not wanting to tell you how I truly felt at times. I guess the same logic can be applied to you when it comes to me. You didn’t want to hurt me, or upset me, so you hid the truth from me. But one thing I can say is even when you looked tired or like you didn’t care I pressed on because I DID care. If anything this taught me that it is important to be honest with others, to say how you feel because that helps your relationship and it helps you have a piece of mind.

4. Trust & Loyalty: Flashback to the night where I was sitting on your bed, your phone in my hand. You are asleep in your boxers and nothing else, and I am scrunched in the corner reading your messages. That night was a night of realization, sadness, betrayal and hurt for me. I was reading your group messages with the guys and you were saying all of these sexual things about girls. To be quite honest I was disgusted. At the messages, at you for initiating these conversations, at me for being with you. I don’t even know if it still makes me disgusted because right now we aren’t together so what is the point. Overall though it was disgusting, it is disgusting. Unbeknownst  to me I trusted you and didn’t believe that you talked sexually that way about girls that were not me. Boy was I wrong because I found several messages proving that you did. The next day I was done. I wanted to end things right there but my friend was able to come me down. To make me relax and I was able to see that for whatever reason I still cared about this relationship. So we were able to salvage our relationship that night, with a lot of pulling and tugging on my part. But I have to say after that day my trust in you had faltered. Whenever I would go somewhere and see a girl with a big butt it made me feel extremely self conscious because I would think “That’s the kind of girl he would message his friends about, describing how many sexual things he would do to her.” It made me feel like shit honestly, and I would compare myself to other girls. This is the best way to explain what you did to me: By saying all those things, secretly, it made me feel as though you weren’t satisfied with me. You weren’t satisfied with what you had, and because I didn’t have those features that you apparently wanted there was nothing I could do. If a horse is looking for a lake of water and I only have a bottle what can I do?  I have always loved my body, felt confident about it and even though I exaggerated sometimes “saying my stomach is fat”or something along those lines, I knew it was a pretty stomach, I knew that I would rather have my body over anyone else’s and I knew that my body was beautiful. But you made me doubt that. So when I came to Kentucky I wanted to work on those features. Not so much for myself, but for you. To make you content. To make you love my body and me the same way I do. I wanted you to think of me more so than you thought of those strangers. I just wanted you to be attracted to me because I was feeling very self conscious about my body because of that. I have finally admitted to myself that part of the reason I started working out was for you. But now I can say that I really don’t believe that to be true anymore. I love my body. I really truly do. Whether you can see the beauty in it or not is not my concern. I am beautiful the way I am. I have long legs, a flat stomach, a small chest, and a small tight butt. There are certain things I want to add and that is why I am working out. But at the end of the day it is for me. It is no longer for you and what you think, it is no longer to make you satisfied. Working out will give me what I want and make me feel more confident in my body! So I am excited to see those results. Anyway, I learned how important trust and loyalty is and without that it is hard to develop anything else. Because after that I really did think of you differently. I felt more insecure and I just couldn’t trust that you wouldn’t be checking out and wanting to sleep with every girl you saw. But that is besides the point now. I am happy that I can say I am not working out for you, that it is for me. I am happy that I don’t have to worry about trust issues with you, or wondering if you’re talking about some girl because you probably are but it doesn’t matter because you are not disrespecting me because we are no longer a pair. But yes, trust is an extremely important foundation that I wouldn’t feel right going without.

Right now, that is all the lessons I have learned from the negative things that have happened. Of course there is more that I have learned but I can’t sit here all day typing or racking my brains. What I want to say though is that you also have to learn how to communicate better, be honest, loyal, not be so childish as well, learn how to give feedback and take it, and learn how to work on yourself too. The whole time in the relationship it felt as though I was the only one always working on something or doing something wrong. Whenever you did something wrong you didn’t know how to accept it or work on it. You would say that you would work on it but it seemed like you were just saying that to get it over with, and like you really didn’t care. Whatever it was though you have to work on that. But we all have things we have to work on, but the sooner we start the better we will feel and the better we will be. That is what I am realizing.

I want to thank you for this relationship. If I were to sum it up in two word I would say “learning experience.”  And that is exactly what it has been. A great learning experience. I believe that I have experienced more positives than negatives with you and obviously you feel the same whether you choose to admit it or not, or you would not want to continue being friends! But needless to say, but it will still be said, you have become my best friend. I have told you things that will never grace the ears of most other people, even if they are my friends. And you know what? I don’t regret that at all. And you know what else? I hope after we give each other the time we need that we can meet back up and still be able to laugh, joke around and just have fun with one another. I hope that we can still be friends, and confide in each other. That we can relay our lows and our highs. I hope that this doesn’t ruin us, and I just know it won’t because we truthfully ended on a high note and that makes me happy and it makes me smile. I love you, and I don’t mean in the romantic way, I mean as my friend. My first real best friend. I love you and I will always be there for you, even if you just want to gripe, even if you just want a hug, or to talk, or whatever you need, you know I am there for you and that I always will be, because you have been there for me countless times. The next time we communicate with each other I hope to be a far better person. I hope to really have changed the things I set out to change today. Hopefully you will see a change in me as well! Who knows? But truthfully as long as I see it in myself I will be happy. I just know that I will have to take this month day by day, but honestly I don’t mind. I know it will be challenging accomplishing all these things, but I also know that I am strong, and extremely capable, and extremely willing. Therefore, I will do it.

I plan on reaching out to you in a month’s time. I feel as though that will give us some time to organize ourselves and get used to this new change. Not only that we will both get some time away from each other, some space, without communication. So in a month’s time I will check in with you friend, I will ask how you’ve been, I will ask if you got into the Hospital of Special Surgery, look at that I finally got it! But until then, I know you will keep being cool, and continue doing your thing. I will keep doing my thing to. I will focus my energy on working here and working out, as well as working on strengthening myself. I will also buy my GRE book and start studying. There is so much that I have to do that sometimes I don’t even know how my mind wanders back to you haha. Well it’s OK even if I start to think about you, I will be honest to myself about how I am feeling, and try to jot it down here. Let’s remain best friends, because I love you  and no matter what we’ve been through so much together and seen each other at our worst moments but also at our height of achievement. I love you dearly my friend, and I will work on being strong, independent, and continue loving life and loving who I am. I just know that this is for the best, everything within me is saying so!

Always and Forever,

Me ❤ 🙂  3:06 pm